Pediatrician: We just went to Wyatt's 9 month check up and he weighs 16lbs8oz (5th percentile). The Dr isn't concerned since he's been following the 5th percentile curve since he was about 5 months old and is only on the 10th percentile curve for length - so Wyatt is proportional.
Early Intervention Speech Therapy: July 26. This is a free state program. They will vist the house and go over prelim paperwork to make sure Wyatt qualifies and then set a schedule of visits to work on Wyatt's speech. The schedule could vary from weekly to monthly - not sure yet. I do like the fact that they come to our home.
X-rays: August 1st. I'm taking Wyatt to Denver to get his skeleton x-rayed so that the genetics clinic can review and try to diagnose Wyatt's underlying syndrome.
Optholmologist: August 7th. Back to Denver for a follow up eye appointment. The eye Dr also has a background in genetics so she should know what we are dealing with and if Wyatt has myopia or not. The last one we saw in town was an idiot and said there was nothing wrong with his eyes and to bring him back at 4yrs old, even though he has a cleft and a geneticist said Wyatt might have a connective tissue disorder that could cause myopia and detatched retinas (blindness). I am nervous.
Pre-Surgery: August 15th. We'll meet with Dr. Ketch at Denver Children's to evaluate Wyatt's jaw growth and set a surgery date. I also want to check out the hospital rooms to see what to expect - we'll be there for 2 or 3 nights.
Feeding Clinic: Late Aug. Still trying to work this out. The feeding clinic is difficult to get into, but it looks like Wyatt qualifies. Just need to get through paprework and then we can get an appointment. I need guidance on feeding solids to Wyatt. He can't have meat because it gets into his cleft. This clinic will have a nutrionist who can make suggestions on what to feed Wyatt in order to ensure he is getting all the nutriants he needs. They also have occupational therapy to monitor his feeding and advise on techniques to increase his intake. The clinic will advise if we need to go 3 times a week or just once every few months...
Audiologist: Late Aug. Waiting for insurance to give me approval. The cleft clinic audiologist said to get his hearing checked at 9 months. I will most likely have to set 2 appts - one to get set up with the ENT and then once Wyatt is a patient, the ENT will send us to his audiologist.
Genetics Clinic: Not sure. Waiting for this to be approved by insurance and then we will go to find out the results of the x-rays.
Its a good thing I don't work, becuase I don't think an employer would be happy with all the time off I'd have to request!
I started this site in 2005 after our son, Wyatt, was born with a cleft palate. Over the years the posts became less about Wyatt's condition and more about every day life. Seven years later, its a place to chronicle my journey as an Army Wife and a working mother of two children struggling to find balance in life.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Wyatt Is Standing Up On His Own
Eric and Taryn's Summer Softball League
Eric and Taryn have been enjoying A LOT of softball! Eric is coaching Taryn's team, the Fort Carson Royales, and he plays in his own league. Taryn likes to watch Eric play his games and they spend time at dinner discussing strategies. Eric seems to be really getting into coaching and is already talking about coaching Wyatt when he's old enough. So our week goes as follows: Monday night-Taryn's practice, Tuesday night-Eric's game, Wednesday night- Taryn's practice, Saturday - Taryn's game.
Wyatt and I don't go to the practices or Eric's game, but we love to go to Taryn's games on Saturdays. Taryn plays at a lovely park with lots of grass and shady trees - we have a lot of fun.
Wyatt and I don't go to the practices or Eric's game, but we love to go to Taryn's games on Saturdays. Taryn plays at a lovely park with lots of grass and shady trees - we have a lot of fun.

Summer Swimming
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
Wyatt's 1st Camping Trip
Wyatt in the Bath

Kylie's Surgeries
Sorry its been so long since I've updated the website! I am so sorry about my last post. I didn't realize I had left the website like that.
I had my surgeries just over a month ago (June 7th) and am feeling 100% better! Its amazing how having energy can change your perspective on life. No more Vicadin sucking my energy away, no more constant pain, no more dying for sleep. It took a good 2 - 3 weeks to fully recover from the surgery and luckily my mother came out and took care of me and the family. We don't know how we would have made it through without her. Thanks Mummy! Our Troop also made dinner for 3 nights, which was really lovely of them and made me feel accepted and a part of the troop.
The Dr did find endometriosis while he was removing my cyst. Apparantly my ovary was also stuck to my uterus - these two things in addition to my cyst would have definately caused the pain I was in. I felt validated and devastated when I got the news. I had thought that the surgery would be the end of the road. Unfortunately, I now have to do a 6 month drug therapy that it like going through menapause - its suppose to kill anything they weren't able to get during surgery. I should begin the therapy on the next month or so. I din't want to start right away since it had been so long since I had felt so good. I just want to enjoy feeling well for a month or two.
The gall bladder came out without a hitch. It took a while to get used to what my body will accept now that I don't have it. I lost 10 pounds within 2 weeks of the surgery and have joined weight watchers for the umpteenth time to try to continue the weight loss. I'm up to 12lbs as of last Sat. I guess the biggest thing is that I actaully have the enrgy to care about counting calories and planning meals etc. So everything is going well with me healthwise and I really appreicate everyone's calls and concern. Much love Kylie!
I had my surgeries just over a month ago (June 7th) and am feeling 100% better! Its amazing how having energy can change your perspective on life. No more Vicadin sucking my energy away, no more constant pain, no more dying for sleep. It took a good 2 - 3 weeks to fully recover from the surgery and luckily my mother came out and took care of me and the family. We don't know how we would have made it through without her. Thanks Mummy! Our Troop also made dinner for 3 nights, which was really lovely of them and made me feel accepted and a part of the troop.
The Dr did find endometriosis while he was removing my cyst. Apparantly my ovary was also stuck to my uterus - these two things in addition to my cyst would have definately caused the pain I was in. I felt validated and devastated when I got the news. I had thought that the surgery would be the end of the road. Unfortunately, I now have to do a 6 month drug therapy that it like going through menapause - its suppose to kill anything they weren't able to get during surgery. I should begin the therapy on the next month or so. I din't want to start right away since it had been so long since I had felt so good. I just want to enjoy feeling well for a month or two.
The gall bladder came out without a hitch. It took a while to get used to what my body will accept now that I don't have it. I lost 10 pounds within 2 weeks of the surgery and have joined weight watchers for the umpteenth time to try to continue the weight loss. I'm up to 12lbs as of last Sat. I guess the biggest thing is that I actaully have the enrgy to care about counting calories and planning meals etc. So everything is going well with me healthwise and I really appreicate everyone's calls and concern. Much love Kylie!
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