I have 2 pairs of jeans (1 pair is almost too big to wear now), 4 or 5 t-shirts and...that's about it. None of my "skinny" clothes even fit me now. Even when they did, they were work clothes and not clothes a mommy would wear. Doesn't matter, because they don't fit anyway! So today I went shopping to find a pair of shorts and a skirt to wear through the summer. I still have at least 20 pounds to lose so I don't want to go crazy.
I took size 6s/8s into the dressing room and guess what? I actually needed size 4/6! Mind you - that's for A-line skirts. I am sure my huge ass and thighs would need an 8/10 at least! I used to wear size 16 and 18s, so this is exciting for me.
I ended up buying a summer dress that was on sale. Size Small! Wow!
Anyway, wish me luck on my hunt for the perfect skirt and shorts to get me through the spring and summer...
I started this site in 2005 after our son, Wyatt, was born with a cleft palate. Over the years the posts became less about Wyatt's condition and more about every day life. Seven years later, its a place to chronicle my journey as an Army Wife and a working mother of two children struggling to find balance in life.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Eric's Mid-Tour

His mid-tour is scheduled for June or July some time. I hate that they can't just give us a damn date to look forward to. Honestly, I don't want him to come home for mid-tour. I know that's sounds crazy, but it will be so sad to say good-bye to him after two weeks and wait another 5-6 months to see him again. Plus, I think Wyatt will be more aware when he leaves this time and that it will effect him even more. I want Eric home - for good. I want want to get back to a normal life (if that's what you can call military life.) So the 2 weeks in the middle of it all, isn't going to be normal in any sense and the whole time I am going to be beside myself with grief, knowing that he's leaving again. Here's the sexy pic of him I say good night to every night - its my laptop wallpaper (it of him in flight school - he hates this pic - he thinks its dorky - but I l-o-v-e it!).
American Idol Update
Whatever! I don't care if you think I'm a big, fat loser for loving the show! I do and that's all I have to say. Anyway, the guys sucked - all of them. I guess David Archuletta was good, but it wasn't the best rendition of "Imagine" I'd heard. What a let down...
Uniqua Cake (Backyardigans)
God! I don't even know if anyone outside the U.S.A. knows who Uniqua is! Actually, I don't know if anyone IN the U.S.A. without a 2yr old knows who she is either! LOL. But I was asked to make this cake and I made $25 on it. It was really easy and I have to say one of my all time favorites - she's sooo cute.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Things I Am Currently Addicted To
American Idol!! My favorites are Jason Castro (he's from Rockwall,Tx - I used to live there)I've watched his last song about...20 times - no exaggeration! My girlfriends don't get it - since he has dreadlocks, but I think he's awesome! I also like David Archuleta, Danny Noriega, Michael Johns (he's Australian and he rocks!) I have to admit that I've also watched his performance about 10 times - I am going to put the obsession down to having gone without sex for 6 months! LOL. For the girls, I like Carly Smithson and Syesha Mercardo.
Scrabble on my LG phone. I try to keep it to 3 games before I got to sleep...I can't explain this addiction and I don't have any excuses for it. I just joined scrabulous.com thanks to a suggestion from Auntie Vicki - now I can play real people!
South Beach Diet "Tide Me Over" Tropical drink. Yummy, yummy yummy. It reminds me of orange/mango cordial from Australia.
Scrabble on my LG phone. I try to keep it to 3 games before I got to sleep...I can't explain this addiction and I don't have any excuses for it. I just joined scrabulous.com thanks to a suggestion from Auntie Vicki - now I can play real people!
South Beach Diet "Tide Me Over" Tropical drink. Yummy, yummy yummy. It reminds me of orange/mango cordial from Australia.
6 Month Mark
Well...6 months is such a huge amount of time to say we've put behind us and it feels good to say we've made it this far. However, we have 9 months to go. So, whenever I think to myself "wow 6 months down", I am proud of all of us for getting this far and also sad that we still have so long to go - it literally brings tears to my eyes every time. I just can't believe that the government feels its o.k. to remove a person from teir families for 15 months. Deployments just shouldn't be longer than 12 months! I mean, 1 year away from your family is more than enough time - especially when you are living in a war zone. Eric left when Wyatt was one and will return when he's 3 - its depressing and frustrating.
Wyatt in the Bath with Sabrina and Gianna
These two girls are Wyatt's best friends. Their mother is one of my best friends. We spend the night at their house sometimes and have a big sleepover. In fact, we often get together for an afternoon playdate, that turns into dinner and a bath for the kids. They love it! Its so great to have such a good friend to spend time with here. I really need to get a nice picture of Sandi and I to post...
Deployment Crazies
I am writing this to officially admit I have gone crazy! cuckoo! lost the plot! nuts!
My floors are filthy, my pantry and kitchen cabinets are in array. I have pen marks on my couch from Wyatt making "pretties" for the third time in a month! My child gate was somehow ripped from its hinges by a two year old and lays against the wall waiting repair. My neighbor's decided to get 2 puppies because, evidently, the weekly complaints I make to the Humane Society about their existing dog isn't enough fun for them. 2 rooms have pink stains on the carpet that I cannot remove, as a result of my son vomiting cranberry juice. My cat has furballs. My sheets have pen on them (guess the couch wasn't enough). My car is full of goldfish, teddy grahams and milk stains and the car seat needs to be replaced because after repeated vomiting/washing its falling to bits. I washed Wyatt's curtains and they are now 6 inches shorter than the sheers. How come after washing and ironing curtains twice they STILL have creases from being packaged?! I still haven't painted the purple guest room. I've lost the power drill I need for countless projects. The stairs to my basement and the den in the basement look like I'm preparing for a garage sale, when in fact I've just been throwing things down there so I don't have to look at them on my main floor. Wyatt still needs referrals to specialists that the moron in the Drs office can't seem to process. Tricare sent me a bill for a covered visit in Denver. Eric's 15 year old daughter in dating at 17yr old. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to download McAfee onto my laptop. I have a pair of jeans that, after 4 visits to the tailor, still don't fit right. Wyatt has a double ear infection and a cough that wont go away. The fluid in my windshield wipers is empty and I don't know how to replace it, there's a patch of bare floor where my cat has been trapped in Wyatt's bedroom, my back sliding glass door won't close and lock for some reason, I just realised that I never applied for the rebate on my phone, the magnet on the back sliding glass door is missing and so I can't arm the alarm, there are finger prints on EVERY mirror in the house.
Here's the thing. I know that I am not dealing with any more than the rest of you. My laundry is done, my fridge is stocked, my dishes are clean, my bills are paid. But, here's where I think I've gone a little crazy.. I tore out the carpet in my master bathroom and am now trying to figure out how to remove the toilet so that I can remove the existing linoleum in there and paint too. Have I gone insane? I know what it is...its the need to stay busy, overwhelmingly busy, so that I don't have time to sit still and think.
...and after I wrote all of this I got up and went and got dressed in order to cross some of this pathetic stuff from my "to do" list. When I came back down Wyatt has opened a jello packet on my couch and was swimming in it...its not necessarily the deployment - its having a 2yr old boy on my own during deployment. The destruction, the mess, the constant running from one pig sty to the next. Its driving me nuts! LOL
Anyway, I felt the compelling need to admit this to everyone in order to dispel any guilt I have about the current state of my life and my house. LOL! I AM in control, I AM in control, I AM in control...:-)
My floors are filthy, my pantry and kitchen cabinets are in array. I have pen marks on my couch from Wyatt making "pretties" for the third time in a month! My child gate was somehow ripped from its hinges by a two year old and lays against the wall waiting repair. My neighbor's decided to get 2 puppies because, evidently, the weekly complaints I make to the Humane Society about their existing dog isn't enough fun for them. 2 rooms have pink stains on the carpet that I cannot remove, as a result of my son vomiting cranberry juice. My cat has furballs. My sheets have pen on them (guess the couch wasn't enough). My car is full of goldfish, teddy grahams and milk stains and the car seat needs to be replaced because after repeated vomiting/washing its falling to bits. I washed Wyatt's curtains and they are now 6 inches shorter than the sheers. How come after washing and ironing curtains twice they STILL have creases from being packaged?! I still haven't painted the purple guest room. I've lost the power drill I need for countless projects. The stairs to my basement and the den in the basement look like I'm preparing for a garage sale, when in fact I've just been throwing things down there so I don't have to look at them on my main floor. Wyatt still needs referrals to specialists that the moron in the Drs office can't seem to process. Tricare sent me a bill for a covered visit in Denver. Eric's 15 year old daughter in dating at 17yr old. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to download McAfee onto my laptop. I have a pair of jeans that, after 4 visits to the tailor, still don't fit right. Wyatt has a double ear infection and a cough that wont go away. The fluid in my windshield wipers is empty and I don't know how to replace it, there's a patch of bare floor where my cat has been trapped in Wyatt's bedroom, my back sliding glass door won't close and lock for some reason, I just realised that I never applied for the rebate on my phone, the magnet on the back sliding glass door is missing and so I can't arm the alarm, there are finger prints on EVERY mirror in the house.
Here's the thing. I know that I am not dealing with any more than the rest of you. My laundry is done, my fridge is stocked, my dishes are clean, my bills are paid. But, here's where I think I've gone a little crazy.. I tore out the carpet in my master bathroom and am now trying to figure out how to remove the toilet so that I can remove the existing linoleum in there and paint too. Have I gone insane? I know what it is...its the need to stay busy, overwhelmingly busy, so that I don't have time to sit still and think.
...and after I wrote all of this I got up and went and got dressed in order to cross some of this pathetic stuff from my "to do" list. When I came back down Wyatt has opened a jello packet on my couch and was swimming in it...its not necessarily the deployment - its having a 2yr old boy on my own during deployment. The destruction, the mess, the constant running from one pig sty to the next. Its driving me nuts! LOL
Anyway, I felt the compelling need to admit this to everyone in order to dispel any guilt I have about the current state of my life and my house. LOL! I AM in control, I AM in control, I AM in control...:-)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Royal Gorge in February
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