Thursday, December 22, 2005

Genetics Testing, Occupational Therapist & Nutiritonist

Weight: 9lbs - 5th percentile on the weight chart.

Wyatt got his blood taken today for his genetics testing - the results will take up to 8weeks! We found out that the testing has a 70% accuracy. The tests cost over $3000. We are lucky that the military covers genetics as I have met other families who cannot afford to get the testing done.

The nutritionist said that he was gaining weight at a good rate but that we should add formula to the breastmilk. She said regular Enfamil Lipil would be fine. His length is still very low and not registering on the growth charts at 20 inches. Ideally, Wyatt will be in the 50th perecentile for weight before surgery. It has taken 2 month to get to the 5th percentile so hopefully his rate of growth is about to rapidly increase...

The Occupational Therapist watched us feed Wyatt and agreed that it was o.k. to feed him for an hour (this is for only 2oz!). Normally the rule is no longer than 30 mins. He's a very slow eater because his tongue is so far back and he has no roof to his mouth - this is even compared to other cleft babies. She suggested we get a swallow test done during our next visit to examin exactly what's going on - it requires him to be fed under x-ray (more radiation!?!).

The feeding tube he has now cannot stay in for longer than 2 months or it will cause scaring. He has 5 weeks to increase his weight AND the amount he takes by bottle or the occupational therpaist said it was likely that they will want to place the G-tube. I am now preparing myself for this as it has been mentioned twice this week already.

I was upset when the genetics nurse referred Wyatt's case as "complicated".