I've been all over the internet researching the pros and cons to allowing the Drs surgically place a gastric tube in Wyatt's stomach to supplement his feedings. I now post on 6 message boards and have yet to find someone in our exact situation.
Firtsly, an NJ tube is rare. Most people have NG tubes, which are placed every day and are quite horrible for the child and parent. Wyatt's stays in the entire time so this is not an issue. This is a main reason parents say going to the G-tube is good. - Not a factor for us though.
I did get much feedback about the G-tube causing vomitting and reflux. Wyatt doesn't have that right now and I would be frightened that changing to a G-tube would cause another complication. Many children with the G-tube already have the relfux and so when they get the g-tube they also have another procedure at the same time. Other parents reported having to go back to get the second procedure after the vomitting was too bad to cope with. Oh, this after or in addition to trying meds.
I'm just not sure how long the nj tube can stay in for! We have been told 2 months or scaring could occur. Here's my thought though, let's check for scaring at the end of 2 months and if none is present then keep on with the NJ tube - its beeter than putting Wyatt under for a surgical procedure and he'd be at far less risk of further complications. I just can't find any other information or studies on how long and NJ tube should be used for.
Oh! and here's another thought - he's growing every day. Which means his jaw is moving forward. Perhaps at 4 months his jaw will have moved forward enough for him to eat more efficiently?! PLUS it looks like Wyatt is putting on weight at a pretty good rate at this point...
I want to do the right thing - its just so hard to know what that is. Right now I feel certain that surgery is not the answer.