Eric says that its like he's living in a bad de ja vu where the only conversation is about breastmilk! LOL! I CAN'T HELP IT! My day revolves around pumping - how much, when, what to mix with it, the bottles, the pump, the child that drinks it - I can't stop myself! By the way, Sat will be 3 months that I have been pumping. I am so proud! Oh and can I tell you that Wyatt took all 5 bottles today and when I combine his total with his evening tube feed we made our goal of 24oz - for the first time! Yippeee. PLUS! May I brag to you - I froze 18 - count them - 18oz of milk.
o.k. - I got that off my chest (no pun intended). Now I will go and talk to my hubby about something else - like how many times Wyatt pooped today LOL :-)