Sorry its been so long in between postings. Here's a picture of Wyatt with Eric's sister Samantha.
Wyatt weighed in at 12lbs 6oz last week. He was 2oz shy of his goal.
His regular pediatrician wasn't available, so we saw Dr. Ashley who has also helped take care of Wyatt during his hospital stays. The last time Dr. Ashley saw Wyatt, he was 7 weeks old, 7lbs 10oz and admitted for "Failure to Thrive". Dr. Ashley was very pleased with Wyatt's growth and said it was fine to continue without the feeding tube. Yay!
We love seeing Wyatt without his tube. I have an extra hour in the day of flexibilty which is wonderful. I am still "hyperscheduling" because he absolutely HAS to have 6 bottles in order to get his minimum in. We still struggle to get him to eat. I stay close to home, I make sure he gets his naps in and I watch the clock. BUT ITS ALL WORTH NOT HAVING IN THE TUBE! :-)
Eric has been off this week, while we wait for his orders to come through. He has managed to feed Wyatt 5oz TWICE. This is something that I have not even achieved. Eric is an awesome Daddy! He's been splitting the feedings with me and telling me to get out of the house - even though he's busy working on the cars for our upcoming trip and various other chores that need to get done before we leave.
Wyatt has brought Eric and I even closer together.