Many of you know that Wyatt is skilled at getting out of the restraints on his highchair. Last week was the final straw for me. He stood up, sat on the side of his chair and then did a backflip/bellyflop onto the floor! It doesn't matter what I do - he gets loose and he won't stay seated. Its a never ending frustration! The first pic shows how he prefers to sit, when I can get him to sit - its a sideways lounge - he's too cool to sit the proper way! Pain in my ass! Isn't the look on his face a cheeky one! He's saying "go one - try to get me to sit properly."
The second pic is of him in his new booster chair. He can't wiggle out oft he restraint - ha ha ha! I've beat him! Note that he took an entire bag of gold fish crackers and shook it until every last one was on the floor - just imagine me trying to get the pack from him and him wiggling and twisting and turning to make sure he emptied it before I could take it away. I'm sure it was his retaliation. He's a maniac! But you've got to love it!