Monday, April 23, 2007

End of My First Semester at School

Here are some of my cakes. The first one looks lopsided in the pic - but I swear its my photography and not the cake! It was carrot cake with cream cheese and a pistachio crust with fresh pink daisies.

I really like how the fondant heart cake turned out. It was also for a baby shower. I think next time I'll do different shapes, like teddy bear and a star etc.

The electric guitar was for a friend's son. I learned my lesson with coloring butercream with bright colors - everyone's mouth turned blue! I won't do that again. No one seemed to mind, but blue teeth aren't really attractive.

I love the skate board cake - it turned out really well.

The last one was my first attempt at fondant. I learned my lesson with the piping - colored butercream stains white fondant - so don't mess up! I figured out amethod where I printed out the wirting on the computer and then pinpricked though the writing on the "stencil" and then piped over the holes.