Sunday, August 19, 2007

Genetics Update

I don't really feel like updating this, but I know I have to record it. The blood tests came back from genetics and Wyatt has a complete deletion of the SHOX gene. SHOX is a growth gene and without it, you have short stature and a possibility of a couple other syndromes. Neiother of which can be diagnosed for a few years until Wyatt's skeletel system has grown more.

I've attached an article if you think you can decipher the lingo.

Bascially, we now have to go through more genetics to see if Eric and/or I have the deletion. Then we also have to see if there are any other deletions of genes in Wyatt. The geneticist thinks he may have addittion deletions because Pierre Robin Syndrome and cleft palates are not associated with teh deletion of the SHOX gene, therefore, it stands to reason, that there is something else awry with Wyatt's genes.

I'm dragging my feet on this. Why...well, I guess because treatments wouldn't begin until Wyatt's thrid or fourth birthday anyway and becuase I'm just not really enthusiastic about finding additional problems I guess

Potty Training

Ummm - unsuccessfully.

Howdy Padner!

Eric's been wearing this cowboy hat and Wyatt thinks he's pretty special when he gets to wear it. Don't you love the t-shirt! A speed demon he is!

Some fun things to report on Wyatt's behalf. He started saying Wal-Mart a few days ago. I suppose that means I've been taking him there too often!

He's fascinated by boobies, which, because he can't pronounce the "b" sound, he calls "moo moos". Hilarious! I joke with Eric that at least we know he's not gay. Eric was a little concerned since Wyatt likes to wear my high heal shoes, put on lipstick, wear bags as handbags etc. Not that we'd care! Its just that I think Eric was hoping for mucho man LOL. I keep telling him that Wyatt is only copying what he sees me do all day. Hilarious.

AFTER - Our back yard after we worked all Spring and Summer on it.

Our Yard BEFORE we started working on it.

We bought the house in the winter so we didn't know what state the grass would be in. Turns out it was completely dead. We knew we'd have to put a patio in and add rock for the landscaping. We spent many, many weeks out in the yard prepping and then laying the patio ourselves, laying the sod ourselves and landcaping with the rock. HARD WORK DOES PAY OFF THOUGH.

Mesa Verde National Park - Southern Colorado