Eric's been wearing this cowboy hat and Wyatt thinks he's pretty special when he gets to wear it. Don't you love the t-shirt! A speed demon he is!
Some fun things to report on Wyatt's behalf. He started saying Wal-Mart a few days ago. I suppose that means I've been taking him there too often!
He's fascinated by boobies, which, because he can't pronounce the "b" sound, he calls "moo moos". Hilarious! I joke with Eric that at least we know he's not gay. Eric was a little concerned since Wyatt likes to wear my high heal shoes, put on lipstick, wear bags as handbags etc. Not that we'd care! Its just that I think Eric was hoping for mucho man LOL. I keep telling him that Wyatt is only copying what he sees me do all day. Hilarious.