Sunday, September 02, 2007

Wyatt's words and signs

1. Mummy, 2. Gaga (daddy), 3. GG, 4. Beana, 5. Liam, 6. LaLa, 7. Elmo, 8. DD (my sister), 9. Nanna, 10. baby, 11. Cleo (uses this for ALL kitties), 12. Dog, 13. Cracker (sounds like gaga), 14. Milk, 15. Drink, 16. Eat, 17. Fish, 18. Cheese, 19. baked beans,, 21.noodle, 22. bananna, 23. more, 24. please, 25. bath, 26. night night, 27. cookie (his speech therapist), 28. cake (he loves testing them for me when I bake for clients or school), 30. car, 31. truck, 32. boat, 33. no, 34. yes, 35.hi, 36. bye, 37.ball, 38. block,, 40. cow, 41. horse, 42. Wal-Mart LOL!, 43, keys, 44. hat, 45. bag, 46. book, 47. Let's, 48. Go, 49. yucky, 50. shoes, 51. bubble, 52. Dino, 53. thank you 54. water, 55. pizza.

Signs: He signs 45 of the 55 words. That's because I haven't taught him the signs. He also regularly signs 1. again, 2. sissy, 3. flower/pretty, 4. computer, 5. avacado, 6. toilet 7. change (as in diaper), 8. butterfly, 9. phone. He signs other stuff when prompted like swing, table, chair, sidewalk etc etc - but we have to do the sign first.

That's all I can think of. I did this list so I would be prepared for our next Dr's appointment. According to the experts a 2yr old should have at least 50 words in their vocab. So he's right at par.

His speech therapist took a job with Early Intervention as a trainer and had to give up all of her clients. She told her boss that she would give up everyone except Wyatt - she loves him so much - and he loves her. She said he has a wicked sense of humor that most kids his age don't have. She also says his eye/hand coordination is advanced - that's nice to know.