Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Winter Weather HAs Finally Hit

Luckily, I am headed down South for Christmas and New Years so I will escape a month of this. Don't get me wrong - I love the snow! I'm sad to leave the snow during Christmas, because it just adds to the festive feeling of the holidays. But by Feb and March it gets really old. So to have a month off from the cold is welcome! Here is the forcast for this week:

C Hi/Lo F Hi/Lo
Sat 3 / -7 37/19
Sun -4/-10 24/14
Mon 2/-9 36/16
Tue -2/-12 29/11
Wed 3/-9 38/15
Thu 3/-9 38/15
Fri 6/-5 42/10

O.K. Did you check out Sunday? 24F or -4 as out high! We won't be leaving the house. Its snowing right now so I'll take some pics and post them - its gorgeous.