We have a genetics/endocrine appt tommorrow at 10:30am in Denver. It will be a long day because I also have an FRG meeting tomorrow night.
Did I post about being FRG co-leader? I don't think I did. Anyway, I am co-leader and I am really enjoying it. It keeps me busy, which is what I enjoy about it. Plus, I like being useful - that's a good feeling too. :-)
Then I have 3 cake orders to fill for this week end! Can you beleive that? I am making another Bumblebee transformer car cake with cupcakes, a Peter Rabbit/English garden cake (2 tiers, and an acoustic guitar cake. Luckily, the guitar cake is due on Sunday and will be easy to do as I will be exhausted after gettingthe other two orders done for Saturday. I should make $115 total. Yay! Momma wants to buy a Hoover Steam Vac! LOL! Can you beleive that's what I'm saving for right now? They cost $200 and I figure, at this point, the money would be well worth it. I've already spent about $200 on steam cleaning and my carpets needs to be cleaned again. I always feel like I could do a better job than the guys that come over do. So...momma wants a new steamvac! Where has my life gone?!
We got a nice tax return so you know what my first large purchase was? A new indoor/outdoor area rug for our living area. Our old one had taken a beating! What was the second purchase I made? A new carseat for Wyatt. It goes up to 50lbs and he is only 27 right now. Its a great seat - easy to clean (no having to unscrew the back to remove the cover etc) and easy to adjust! Its the Evenflo Triumph L-O-V-E it. We had a second hand model before.
Sooo...I'm working on my carpet, I've replaced the carseat. I haven't made any progess on my bathroom floor. I tried to fix Wyatt's curtains - but the new rods and tiebacks are cooperating. Eric just may have to deal with that when he gets home. I also got a bunch of locks for the doors to the pantry, the garbage can, the bathrooms and garage doors. Wyatt was able to remove the garbage lock, but the rest are holding.