Me at 134lbs.
I still want to lose at least another 15lbs by July 17th - my 1 yr surgery anniversary. I am not sure that it can be done unless I have a BIG loss here in the next week or so. I had my first therapy session today. We didn't cover much, just filled out paperwork and established that I wasn't a threat to myself or anyone else. I have to set goals for next week. I had already told her my weight loss goals and that I was there to figure out how to stop binging and throwing up. What other goals do I need? :-) She seemed nice, and I guess I'll have someone to keep me accountable week to week. I'll give it a month and if its just a waste of my daycare hours I will quit.
I hate my hair in the picture. I posted a few months ago about how my hair was falling out. Its stopped falling out, but it got so thin and scraggly that I had to cut it shorter to it would grow in thicker. PLUS - I had thinned it out a little, thinking it would help - it didn't. I'm growing it out to look like Posh Spice. I'll see if I can find a pic of her to post.