He'll tell you that its no big deal, but I wanted everyone to know that he was accepted to go to Instructor Pilot School when he gets home from deployment. I am so incredibly proud of him.
Its nice to have a little piece to the puzzle! So now we know: Eric comes home in December, we'll start trying to get pregnant in January, we'll move to Riley, and we'll go to Rucker for 3 months in June - which brings us to September. If we're successful getting pregnant straight away, we'll be expecting a baby in Oct/Nov. Its a rough plan! Also, we don't know if Eric will go back to C-Troop as an IP (Instructor Pilot) or if he'll go to another Troop (we have 6 in our squadron). It would mean a lot to Eric to go back to C-Troop since those are the guys he was deployed with. I don't really care, as I have made friends that will remain friends, regardless of our Troop. Just another thing to wait and see. :-)