I finally broke down and read Toddlerwise (the follow up to Babywise, my infant bible) and got the lowdown on how to potty train. So yesterday I got out the little potty (he won't go on the big ones even with the little seats I bought), I got him "big boy underwear" and pullups, I got candy and matchbox cars for rewards.
Yesterday he did pretty good, he peed for m&ms and was so excited about the matchbox cars that he went number two for me! BUT I had to move the potty into my living room! I never, EVER thought I would have a potty in my living room. But he likes being in the living room and having the freedom of getting up and down to get different toys to hold etc. So that was a success. He had 2 accidents, but he waited to pee while were outside, so that was good!
Today, he peed in the potty every time I asked him. But he couldn't do number 2. He ended up doing that in his pants. I think its hard for him to sit and do it since he's used to standing. He would not use the potty at our friend's house.
Yesterday, when we were at Target I took him tot he potty and he took one look at it and said "no mommy, that's not my potty - you go ahead' and he pushed me into the stall. LOL.
So...tomorrow we will continue. I guess its good progess to at least have him clean and dry while we are at home and we will go from there.