The phone rang, I went into the kitchen, Wyatt followed me and began acting up. I sat him on the couch and put on a show for him so I could talk for a minute. I look into the living room while I am talking and see he is sitting nicely on the couch 9all I can see is his feet and legs from the angle I am looking from). LESS than 5 minutes goes by (I swear to you!)and I walk into the living room and realise that he's been busy on the couch - taking the keys off my laptop! VERY quietly and pretty damn quickly. What on earth would possess him to take the keys off my laptop??????? I got all except two put back on and the capslock is weird. Let me tell you - its not easy putting the keys back on your laptop. There are 2 plastic things that snap together a certain way and then they snap onto the laptop a certain way and then the key snaps onto them a certain way. Wow!
I started this site in 2005 after our son, Wyatt, was born with a cleft palate. Over the years the posts became less about Wyatt's condition and more about every day life. Seven years later, its a place to chronicle my journey as an Army Wife and a working mother of two children struggling to find balance in life.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The phone rang, I went into the kitchen, Wyatt followed me and began acting up. I sat him on the couch and put on a show for him so I could talk for a minute. I look into the living room while I am talking and see he is sitting nicely on the couch 9all I can see is his feet and legs from the angle I am looking from). LESS than 5 minutes goes by (I swear to you!)and I walk into the living room and realise that he's been busy on the couch - taking the keys off my laptop! VERY quietly and pretty damn quickly. What on earth would possess him to take the keys off my laptop??????? I got all except two put back on and the capslock is weird. Let me tell you - its not easy putting the keys back on your laptop. There are 2 plastic things that snap together a certain way and then they snap onto the laptop a certain way and then the key snaps onto them a certain way. Wow!