First of all, I have to say the Republican Website is much better than the Democratic website as far getting information and viewing missed speeches. Kudos to them. :-)
Palin: She has a strong presence and portrays herself as a capable, knowledgable woman who is ready to take on the job of V.P. and any critics. She was an excellent speaker.
The Bushes: I really thought that President Bush did a good job of supporting McCain, but also letting the American people know that McCain is not a carbon of himself. Surely, the advisors did their job and convinced him that his endorsement wouldn't mean much to a country that has a low opinion of him.
McCain: His message was clear - he's not just Republican, he's an American and he's not afraid to cross party lines on issues to get get the right thing done. "Straight Talk" rather than polictics.
So where does that leave me? Still undecided until the debates, but leaning towards McCain. Points I am interested in getting more clarification on:
1.) Health care: (not education as McCain said) is the #1 issue of this centuary for Americans. So many people are unable to afford medical care for themselves and their families. Universal healthcare (Democratic proposal) would bring healthcare to all citizens. It would be government run and no, you wouldn't have much of a choice as to who you saw BUT do you think the people that can't afford a Dr care that they don't get to hand pick who they seE? McCain referred to the lack of choice when he briefly spoke about healthcare as if it was important. I think its makes him look like he's missing the point! It is the main issue that has me on the fence right now.
2.) Pro Life: I am pro-choice, so what does it mean when we elect a pro-lifer?
3.) Military issues: McCain's camp is very proud of how he voted in favor of the surge in Iraq. My family is suffering through a 15 month deployment. The army is overextended and our soldiers are tired. Of course, being in the Army means surviving deployments BUT - 15 month deployments? No! 12 month deployments with only 12 months stateside in between? No! I have come to the realization that it doesn't matter who gets into office, my husband will continue to deploy on a regular basis for the rest of his career. Soooo...who is going to properly compensate the soldiers and their families for the burden they carry? I am talking tax cuts, better pay, better bonuses for extended tours of duty, dental and vision being covered under health insurance, better housing! No one has really mentioned this, but I am pretty sure that Obama wouldn't increase any of those benefits for us...