I had a panic attack yesterday in the grocery store. I guess all my nerves combined with the Thanksgiving craziness just overwhelmed me. I came home, took some tylenol for my headache and put Wyatt and myself down for a nap. We woke up at 5pm.
I woke up at 3:30am with a migrane. So after taking some heavy duty medicine, a long hot shower and a cup of hot chocolate, I got back to bed at 5:30am. I woke up at 7:30am, heart racing - wondering if Eric had left Kuwait. I called the hotline and it still says they haven't left yet.
I recaulked the bathtub in the master bath, cleaned out the basement closet and got things put away in the garage. Today my plan is to steam clean my bedroom carpet, detail Eric's truck, look for a shoe rack for our foyer to contain Eric's boots and our shoes (we don't wear shoes in the house, especially in the winter with all the snow/mud), buy some cigars for the guys to smoke after our Thanksgiving feast and a nice bottle of wine, drop off some stuff to Goodwill.