I started this site in 2005 after our son, Wyatt, was born with a cleft palate. Over the years the posts became less about Wyatt's condition and more about every day life. Seven years later, its a place to chronicle my journey as an Army Wife and a working mother of two children struggling to find balance in life.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More Christmas
Wyatt is the luckiest kid ever. Not only does he have my parents, Eric's mom and dad and then their spouses for grandparents - 3 sets, but he's also adopted Sandi's mom and dad as grandparents. As we know from previous posts, Wyatt often plays "dress ups" with Sandi's girls. Sandi's mom and dad got him a knight outfit so that he doesn't have to be a princess anymore! He loved it and so did Eric! :-)