Yet another post on potty training. We are STILL training Wyatt. It seems that every time we think he's got it, he proves us wrong. He's fine peeing, but still refuses to do "the other" on the potty. So my latest bribe is a "mystery hot wheels". They've worked 2 days in a row so far. So we know he's capable, just stubborn!
At the moment our rule is. An accident = no t.v., a second accident = bed. Let me be clear here - there are no accidents at this point! He KNOWS what he's doing. Therefore, he gets in trouble when he CHOOSES to do the wrong thing. If he does "the other" in the potty he gets rewarded. We'll see...oh! by the way, he's only had one accident at school. We are convinced he doesn't go while he's there, he holds it the entire time.