1.) The Imagination Movers. Eric and I actaully enjoy watching them with him. They are 4 guys about our age that solve problems by brain storming and using their imaginations. Wyatt L-O-V-E-S them! He dances to all their songs. I've embedded a video of the song they do at the end of every show. Eric and I walk around singing it! LOL Wyatt knows all the dance moves.
2.)Lightning McQueen. He got into the movie, Cars, the summer before Eric left and then after about...10 months the fascination died out. Well, its back - and its back BIG!
3.)Spiderman. I don't know why because he hasn't seen a Spiderman movie. I think its because Eric likes Spidey. He has a Spidey back pack, plate and cup and pjs. One of our friends gave us some pjs that look like a costume and sometimes Wyatt like to wear the pjs to play in during the day - he goes up to his room and puts them on.
4.)Sportacus (not Spartacus) from Lazy Town. When Eric and Wyatt play, Wyatt will tell Eric he wants to do a "lazy town". What he wants Eric to do is flip him in the air. In fact, the other day Wyatt fell out of the shopping cart at Lowes. He came home and told me that he did a "lazy town" out of the cart with daddy. So now that's what I tell him when he is in the cart - "sit down Wyatt, you don't want to do a lazy town do you?!". Today he asked me if he could be Sportacus when he grows up.