Wyatt's sleep study - he had 15 wires on his head 1 on each big toe, 2 on each legs and 2 on his chest (23 wires) plus 2 monitors wrapped around his chest, an oxygen tube taped to his face and a sensor taped under his nose.
We drove to Denver and got there in time to have some dinner at the hospital cafeteria and then checked into the sleep clinic at 7:15pm. It took about 1 hour to get setled in and get all teh wires onto Wyatt. He fell asleep while the tech was wiring him up! She had put a movie on for him to watch and I guess he was nice a relaxed. She put on the oxygen and nose sensor after he fell asleep, which was awesome because he would have been pretty ticked off! Around 11pm he woke up screaming and tore off the oxygen and nose sensor. I ended up sleeping in the bed with him so that I could stop him from tearing off the tape. His cheeks were red for a few days where the skin was raw from the tape. I was so tired the next day that had to pull over half way home to take a rest. I couldn't keep my eyes open. We find out the results of the study in a couple weeks.
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