Mum came to stay with me for a few days while Eric was on survival training and learned how to feed Wyatt and hook him up to his feeding machine at night. I went with a friend to shop for a ball gown for Eric's graduation and when Mum called me I was worried that something was wrong. BUT she was calling to tell me she got a full bottle into him, whih only happens 5 - 6 times a week - if we're lucky! I congratulated her and told her if she could do it two times in a row I'd be impressed and a believer in any techniques she wanted to share (you know Eric and I have tried everything). She got a second bottle of 3oz into him. The next morning I copied what she was doing and got a 3rd bottle of 3oz into him. AMAZING! We're very happy. Its funny that everything she did was something we have tried before, and had given up on. Its so lucky she came with a fresh pair of eyes, otherwise he would not be eating as much as he is now. He is getting more than 26oz a day in now! Yay Nanna!