Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shots and Ear Tubes

Our poor little man had a rough week last week. He got his 4 month immunization shots on Thursday afternoon. The 3 shots to the thighs left him stiff and feverish. He was so sore he wouldn't stand up - and that's his favourite activity! That night at 2:30am I called the nurseline about giving him Tylenol for his pain and fever and was told not to give him anything as the surgeon may not want to put him under for the first time with a foriegn substance in his blood. Poor sweetie.

On Friday he had his first set of ear tubes put in. Since he was be put under for the surgery we could not feed him anything after midnight. I fed right up to 12am and talked the receptionist into booking us for a 6:30am check-in, rather than 7am so that he would be under by 7:30am and wouldn't notice he was hungry - it worked. The "surgery" took 15-20 minutes tops. He was very cranky for the rest of the day with his sore legs and ears but by Saturday he was back to normal.

The surgeon found puss in Wyatt's ear and a lot more build up than then they had originally suspected. He said it was a good thing we got the tubes put in when we did. Wyatt is hearing better and has been getting startled quite a bit. We have a follow up appointment with the surgeon and audiologist next Wednesday to see how he's healed and what his hearing is like.

A bonus is that we now know that Wyatt does not seem to have any bad reactions to the anethesia - one less thing to worry about for his palate surgery.