Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More Doctor Stuff

The pediatric opthalmologist said that Wyatt's eye sight was perfect for his age. I asked her if Myopia could correct itself as Wyatt was diagnosed with myopia at 12 days old. She said that he was incorrectly diagnosed and that Wyatt did not have Stickler Syndrome and she would not need to to him again until he was 4yrs old.

Many things bothered me about our visit. 1. She didn't seem concerned with Wyatt's history 2. Only a geneticist can diagnose Stickler Syndrome because it is multi-faceted and complex and if she convinced a pediatrican that Wyatt didn't have Sticklers then it would be hard to continue to get authorizations from the insurance company, 3. her findings conflicted with the first findings and since Wyatt has a complex condition you'd think she'd want to see him in 1 year - not 3.5! She spoke to Eric and I like we were idiots and she even told us she wasn't sure Wyatt has Pierre Robin and asked me if I understood that just because he has a cleft doesn't mean he has PRS - a lot of children have small jaws. I told her his jaw had grown out quite a lot in 6 months and that the Cleft team had offically diagnosed him as well as the pediatrician present at his birth. She was just down right arrogant!

In any case, I met with another pediatrcian and was very happy him. His name is Dr. Maynard. Dr. Maynard actually took the time to read Wyatt's history, ask questions and LISTENED when I spoke - fancy that! He said he thought we should get a third opinion on the eye exam from Denver Childrens, which made me very happy. If the next opthalmologist says his eyesight is fine, then I will jump for joy! I did call the geneticist back in Alabama and he said that Wyatt's first eye exam only found 1 unit of myopia and only in his left eye. He said its very hard to do an accurate exam at birth and that the second exam might be correct. He said he'd also feel comfortable with a third exam since we need to be cautious. If we're not, we could miss a retinal tear or something similar which would cause Wyatt to go blind - its not something to take lightly.

As far as weight - Wyatt weighed in at 14lbs1oz. He put on just less than .5oz a day. Our pediatrician in Alabama would have been very concerend, however, our new one said he was satisfied. I am nervous, but also relieved - we were having such a hard time keeping up with 1oz per day! Dr. Maynard also said to add 1tsp of corn oil to 22 calorie formula and milk instead of cereal. I was pleased with this as Wyatt's special bottle doesn't work well with the thickness of the cereal and Wyatt's little body wasn't agreeing with so much cereal either.

So all in all, I'm feeling better. Still anxious/excited to meet Wyatt's new team in Denver. The new Dr's are all so different and have very different ideas about Wyatt's care. It can be unsettling to be told to disregard the last 6 months of advice from the Alabama Drs - which has happened with both the new pediatrician and the new opthalmologist (not that I'll be going back to her!).