Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wyatt's New Doctors

A quick update on all the medical stuff. We went to see Wyatt's new pediatrician a couple of weeks ago and I wasn't very happy with him (this is an understatement.) In any case, I was able to get all the referrals for the specialists into the system and I have changed to another pediatrican in the same practice. Our new insurance company has appointed a case manager, Nancy, to Wyatt. Having a case manager is a god send as she helps me with all the paperwork and behind the scenes stuff for the insurance company.

Wed, Apr 12 Opthalmologist appointment.
We're going to have Wyatt's eyes checked again to see if his Myopia has gotten any worse. It was suggested by the pediatrician that no Dr can diagnose myopia at 12 days old and that a false diagnosis of myopia would mean the geneticist was wrong about Wyatt having Stickler Syndrome. I am very anxious to see what the Opthalmologist has to say.

Mon, Apr 17 New pediatric appointment.
We will meet the new pediatrican and, hopefully, we will like him. This appointment will be to check Wyatt's weight gain. Wyatt did not gain any weight while we packed up and moved here and stayed at 13lbs 9oz (10th percentile). We've started adding cereal to all of his bottles to really chunk him up. Unfortunately, he is eating less of the new mixture. Wish us luck - we want good weight gain and a nice visit with the new Dr.

Mon, Apr 24 Cleft Clinic at Denver Children's.
We'll be consulting with the new surgeon to find out when he'd be comfortable closing Wyatt's palate, an occuaptional therapist to discuss Wyatt poor eating habits and ways to improve, a dentist, an ear nose and throat specialist to check his ear tubes and a social worker to talk about the effects of Wyatt's condition on our family etc.

I am working on getting a genetics appointment set up. Looks like I may have to wait until July - I am waiting for a call back.

There is apparantly a "Feeding Clinic" in town. I will have to get Wyatt's pediatrician to put a referral in the system for it. I am going to pursue that avenue heavily!