Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Counting Down

Three of my close friends, Sandi, Jeanette and Shely welcomed their husband's home at 4am this morning. I am so happy for them! They have finally reached the end. My other good friend, Stephanie, is wrapping up a job and moving back to Colorado at the end of the week. Stephanie and I will greet our husbands together soon.

I feel a little lonely and envious at the moment. Its hard to be the only one left in town without a husband. Everyone (including me when its my time) needs space and time alone with their husbands and families. I can't wait for Steph to get here!

I am also getting very anxious about Eric coming home. The reality of having him home after 15 months is finally hitting me. I've been running the show on my own and now it will be a joint venture again. I am really excited to have Eric home, I am just nervous about what the Army calls "reintergration". We had a very brief training on what to expect about a month ago and have the option of attending more classes with our soldiers when they return. I've included link to the BATTLEMIND concept, which I found most useful in our training.

Here's a link to the Spouse's Battlemind (me)

Here's a link to the Soldier's Battlemind (Eric)