I love the way the Skully cake turned out - it was for a 1st yr party.
I started this site in 2005 after our son, Wyatt, was born with a cleft palate. Over the years the posts became less about Wyatt's condition and more about every day life. Seven years later, its a place to chronicle my journey as an Army Wife and a working mother of two children struggling to find balance in life.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Breaking In Stetsons At The Ball

mmmm that must have tasted good!

So CAV means cavalry, which started as soldiers on horses. Our unit is a CAV unit, so the guys wear Stetsons and spurs when they are in "dress blues". Its all a bit like a fraternity and there are traditions/hazing that the guys go through. One of those traditions is "breaking in your stetson". Now keep this in mind when looking at the pictures - these hats cost over $100, they are not cheap.
These are pictures of our friend, Pell, who joined the troop mid deployment and hadn't had the chance to get his Stetson broken in. The Squadron Commander and the 1st Sargent wheeled out a keg of "grog". Eric tells me that grog is a mixture of lots of different alcaholic beverages. They both drank some grog, which was funny and a part of some other tradition, I was too drunk to undguyserstand it all. Anyway, after they had their drink in the middle of the ballroom, all the rushed in and got some grog to pour into the new guys' Stetsons. Each member of the troop takes a turn pouring something into the hat and then the new guy gets to drink the disgusting mess from their Stetsons. Eric had hot sauce and all kinds of stuff put in his when they broke his hat in before the deployment. Funny stuff!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Follow Us! and Becky's Bites
O.K. so I was just on Becky's blog and saw a cool new feature called "follow this blog". Click on the link to the right and follow instructions and then I can see who follows my blog!
Also, I have added another link for you to enjoy called "Becky's Bites". Becky shares my love for cooking and ,for some reason, I just now discovered that she has this great blog which lists recipes she's enjoyed. FAB-U-LOUS!
Also, I have added another link for you to enjoy called "Becky's Bites". Becky shares my love for cooking and ,for some reason, I just now discovered that she has this great blog which lists recipes she's enjoyed. FAB-U-LOUS!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lump In My Throat
2 Kiowa helicopters were reported down today. The crash happend near Kirkuk where Eric was posted. The 4 fallen soldiers were a part of the squadron that took over for ours. It leaves a lump in your throat and a knot your stomach.
My chest hurts. My heart is heavy. My sincere condolences to the families invloved.
My chest hurts. My heart is heavy. My sincere condolences to the families invloved.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I am designing a bridal shower cake for my friend Christine. I went to google and typed in "bridal shower cakes" and clicked on "images". I was looking at all the pictures, getting ideas, and then I saw MY CAKE! That's right! On page 6 of the search was my cake and a link to my website. How cool is that?! I've attached the link because I am too freakin' proud of myself! :-)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Things Wyatt Likes
1.) The Imagination Movers. Eric and I actaully enjoy watching them with him. They are 4 guys about our age that solve problems by brain storming and using their imaginations. Wyatt L-O-V-E-S them! He dances to all their songs. I've embedded a video of the song they do at the end of every show. Eric and I walk around singing it! LOL Wyatt knows all the dance moves.
2.)Lightning McQueen. He got into the movie, Cars, the summer before Eric left and then after about...10 months the fascination died out. Well, its back - and its back BIG!
3.)Spiderman. I don't know why because he hasn't seen a Spiderman movie. I think its because Eric likes Spidey. He has a Spidey back pack, plate and cup and pjs. One of our friends gave us some pjs that look like a costume and sometimes Wyatt like to wear the pjs to play in during the day - he goes up to his room and puts them on.
4.)Sportacus (not Spartacus) from Lazy Town. When Eric and Wyatt play, Wyatt will tell Eric he wants to do a "lazy town". What he wants Eric to do is flip him in the air. In fact, the other day Wyatt fell out of the shopping cart at Lowes. He came home and told me that he did a "lazy town" out of the cart with daddy. So now that's what I tell him when he is in the cart - "sit down Wyatt, you don't want to do a lazy town do you?!". Today he asked me if he could be Sportacus when he grows up.
2.)Lightning McQueen. He got into the movie, Cars, the summer before Eric left and then after about...10 months the fascination died out. Well, its back - and its back BIG!
3.)Spiderman. I don't know why because he hasn't seen a Spiderman movie. I think its because Eric likes Spidey. He has a Spidey back pack, plate and cup and pjs. One of our friends gave us some pjs that look like a costume and sometimes Wyatt like to wear the pjs to play in during the day - he goes up to his room and puts them on.
4.)Sportacus (not Spartacus) from Lazy Town. When Eric and Wyatt play, Wyatt will tell Eric he wants to do a "lazy town". What he wants Eric to do is flip him in the air. In fact, the other day Wyatt fell out of the shopping cart at Lowes. He came home and told me that he did a "lazy town" out of the cart with daddy. So now that's what I tell him when he is in the cart - "sit down Wyatt, you don't want to do a lazy town do you?!". Today he asked me if he could be Sportacus when he grows up.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Night at Mr. Biggs
Today's Cake
The Army Ball

We had so much fun! I felt gorgeous in my dress and for the first time EVER, I had long enough hair to get an updo. I wish I would have had Eric take a picture of the back of it. We had Jeanette and Andrew over for drinks and then they drove us to the ball. We danced, we laughed, we paid homage to 1/6 Cav and all the traditions of a cav unit. I loved every minute of it. Pity we were too drunk to get any really good pictures of ourselves! Sorry! he he he
Potty Training

Yet another post on potty training. We are STILL training Wyatt. It seems that every time we think he's got it, he proves us wrong. He's fine peeing, but still refuses to do "the other" on the potty. So my latest bribe is a "mystery hot wheels". They've worked 2 days in a row so far. So we know he's capable, just stubborn!
At the moment our rule is. An accident = no t.v., a second accident = bed. Let me be clear here - there are no accidents at this point! He KNOWS what he's doing. Therefore, he gets in trouble when he CHOOSES to do the wrong thing. If he does "the other" in the potty he gets rewarded. We'll see...oh! by the way, he's only had one accident at school. We are convinced he doesn't go while he's there, he holds it the entire time.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Girl's Day Out In Denver
Christine, Sandi and I went to Denver and ate in my all-time fav resturant called Rioja. The food is so good there, we all said we felt like we were on drugs while we were eating. The food is creative, but simple and just so good. I had beignets for dessert - here's how the menu described them: sweet goat cheese and black mission fig filled pastries, ruby port wine reduction. HEAVEN! After brunch we went into some of the cute shops. I loved the sculpture! Its me!
Sledding In Winter Park
We went to Winter Park with some friends just before Christmas. It was an awesome deal - $80 for 2 night and all meals for 2 adults and 2 kids. We plan on going again before winter is gone. The week end was all about the kids. We went sledding with Santa Claus, roller skating and watched the Polar Express. It was a great time. The rooms didn't have a t.v. so Eric and I did a jig saw puzzle in the evenings. Unfortunately, Wyatt got sick during the second evening and we had to leave early the next morning.
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