Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wyatt IS Potty Trained!

Wyatt hasn't had an accident for a couple weeks. The mystery cars worked! He's even going on the big potty so I don't have to deal with his yucky training potty anymore! I am so happy!

Now to get him though the night dry. Right now he wakes up somewhere between 2am and 5am asking to be changed because he is wet. We never had a problem with him waking up in the evenings before - so this phase needs to get over and done with SOON!

I also forgot to say that Sandi introduced the "Spiderman Club" in order to encourage Wyatt to poo on the potty. She told Wyatt that when he did the right thing that Spiderman would call him. Later that day, we were at home and Eric was in TX, and Wyatt went to the toilet and asked me when Spiderman was going to call. I had our friend, Andrew, call and pretend to be Spidey and congratulation Wyatt for pooing on the potty. It was hilarious! Wyatt was over the moon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

One More????

Eric and I are in a debate right now about whether or not to have one more child. We both love our family so much and can both see the joy in having another baby - boy or girl! However, I would need to get pregnant between now and April in order to have the baby before he leaves for Iraq again. That poses two issues -1. me hormonal and possibly nausious while looking after Wyatt, moving to KS alone and dealing with our house. 2. Eric would leave very soon after the baby was born, which, in itself sucks but, if the baby has Wyatt's genetic issues it will be added stress for me looking after a newborn on my own.

I am also worried about affording college for Taryn in 2 yrs and then trying to save for Wyatt's college and retirement - how can we afford a third?

So there ya go - one more or not? I've told Eric no more, but he's not convinced.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's Going On

So this is what we know so far:

1.)Eric will be leaving around the 10th-12th April, checking into Ft. Riley, KS and then going to Ft. Rucker, AL for Instructor Pilot Course. The course is 3 months long and when he finishes he will return to Ft. Riley to start work as an instructor pilot for the squadron.

2.) We are putting our house on the market tomorrow - For Sale By Owner. We'll decide in another month or two if we should get an agent involved. I can move to Kansas as early as mid April since Eric will have signed in on his way to Rucker. Then in May/June if we are having no luck selling the house we will try to rent it out. The houses in our neighbourhood rent quickly and we'd try to have someone move in on July 1st. That way I can move to Riley and get unpacked just before Eric is finished with IPC. I am not nervous or stressed about taking care of the house on my own or the drive to Kansas or finding a place to live and unpacking etc. But it will be a lot of work and and I an anxious to have it all finished with.

3.) We are going to Kansas the last weekend in Feb to scope out a few rentals and the on-post housing. I really want to live in Manhattan and not on post, but it will come down to what we can get for our money. We are going to have to live in a much smaller house in order to afford the rent. So we are busy downsizing right now. I have found some small duplexes with 2 car garages and 2 living areas and 3 bedrooms within our housing allowance - they are 1000 sq ft less than what we live in now! But I keep telling Eric he won't be living with us for most of the time we are there and it will be nice to not have as much house to worry about and no yard maintenance. We are on the waitlist for the post housing and its apparently a 6-9 month wait...hmmm.

So that's it - WE HAVE A PLAN! That, in itself, is a huge relief. I am excited to see what happens with the house and where we are going to live in Kansas. I was just telling Eric that I love moving every few years because I love purging all the junk from our home. Is that sick? :-)

Keeps us in your thoughts and wish us good luck!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Full Length of My Dress

I got drunk early and didn't concentrate on getting a picture of my dress. Then, because I am short, most of the pics are just my head or from the boobs up! This pic just surfaced and its the best shot of my dress. I have a belly still - need that damn tummy tuck and still got a lot of junk in the trunk as you can see. Oh well, better than it used to be right?!

My Boys

Wyatt loves to wear the same things as Eric. How cute are they?!

Wall-E Cake

Recent Cakes

I designed this cake to match baby bedding for a baby shower. I loved making the animals. If I could do it again, I would do the cake in cream and not green.